For Beginners
Innovations in Temperate Fruit Production
to equip participants with a thorough understanding of the various aspects of temperate fruit production, as well as to enhance their skills in addressing challenges and seizing opportunities in this field. The course covers a wide range of topics, including an exploration of major fruit varieties, global trends, and the impact of climate change on fruit cultivation.
3 Enrollment
Dr. Sherif M. Sherif
What you'll learn
Understands the climate change ramifications for temperate fruit production and strategies for adaptation and mitigation.
Grasps the biotic and abiotic factors that affect temperate fruit production and quality.
Recognizes the diverse applications of plant growth regulators in tree fruit production.
Comprehends the significance of pollinators and pollinizers in temperate fruit production.
Distinguishes between different types of rootstocks
and planting systems for optimal orchard productivity and profitability.
Learns about the impact of climatic factors on the distribution and cultivation of temperate fruits.
Knows the major temperate fruit varieties and understand global patterns and developments in their production.
Course Content
Course requirements
Experience in fruit production
or a closely related area.
English language proficiency
Good knowledge in agriculture
plant science
or a related field.
Who this course is for
Fruits production farmers
Researchers and students
Participants will gain insights into orchard planning and management, encompassing site selection, rootstock, and cultivar choice, planting systems, tree spacing, irrigation, nutrient management, and the importance of pollinators and pollinizers. The program also delves into the use of plant growth regulators (PGRs) in tree fruit production and their applications for various purposes, such as thinning, branching, and fruit quality optimization.
Furthermore, the training will address biotic and abiotic factors influencing temperate fruit production and quality, including pest damage, diseases, physiological disorders, and climate change impacts. Researchers will explore strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as identifying research opportunities in disease management and abiotic stress tolerance.